Introducing Widgets

We are thrilled to announce the launch of widgets, a feature that will transform the way you track the crypto market. With Widgets, you can get access to a new level of customisation, allowing you to quickly access crypto data right from your home screen.  

What are Widgets? 

Widgets are interactive components that can be added to your smartphone’s home screen, providing you with at-a-glance information and functionality without the need to open the full Swyftx app. We currently offer 5 different types of widgets:  

  • Gainers 
  • Losers 
  • Favourites 
  • Single assets 
  • Portfolio 

These widgets will enhance your experience and keep you informed on the latest market trends. 

Important Information 

Widgets are available for both iOS and Android devices. However, please note that the feature is not currently supported on lock screens, wearables, WatchOS or WearOS, or native Car operating systems. 

Widgets on iPhone 

For iPhone users, you can display up to five widgets simultaneously on your home screen. You have the option to choose your preferred display currency among AUD, NZD, and USD, with AUD set as the default currency. The widgets will auto-refresh every five minutes, ensuring you always have access to the most up-to-date information. In case you encounter an error message, simply remove and re-add the widget to resolve any issues. 

Support: How to add or edit widgets on your iPhone.  

Widgets on Android 

Android users can also display up to five widgets on their home screen, providing quick access to essential data. Similar to iPhone users, you can choose your preferred display currency and enjoy auto-refreshed widgets every 30 minutes. If you want to manually refresh the widgets, you can do so by clicking the Refresh icon. Should you come across any error messages, clicking Refresh or removing and re-adding the widget should help resolve the issue.  

Guide: How to add or edit widgets on your Android device.  

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