Ravencoin is a peer-to-peer blockchain dealing with the product innovation and transfer of assets from one group to another. It is a procedure established on the summit of the Bitcoin code which enhances features mainly concentrated on enabling tokens to be granted on the Ravencoin blockchain. These tokens can have whatever properties the token determines, so they can be restricted in abundance, named, and be distributed as insurances or as collectables.
This is what makes Raven Coin distinct from Bitcoin; Block time of 1 minute rather than 10 minutes. Total coin ration of 21 billion rather than 21 million. Block prize of 5,000 RVN instead of 50 BTC. A modern mining algorithm KAWPOW which authorises for more decentralised mining. Addition of asset and sub-asset allocation, transfer, different assets, and rewards. Future improvement of messaging and voting. The open-source Ravencoin forum was inaugurated on January 3, 201,8 to promote tokenised P2P asset transfers on the blockchain.