Radicle can be thought of as a more decentralized component to the Microsoft-owned Github that much of crypto development still relies upon. Radicle enables developers to maintain a peer-to-peer design environment where they can collaborate on deployment without relying on the third-party monoliths of Web 2.0 which an increasingly larger amount of developers no longer tolerate. However, Radicle was designed with the same easy-to-use design that devs are used to, so the jump between worlds will not be as difficult as it is with other more complicated collaboration environments. Essentially, Radicle aims to take all of what was so strong about distributed version control and amplify the good parts of centralized code infrastructure. Additionally, Ethereum is leveraged by Radicle in part to help it sustain its pledge to remain open source.
The ecosystem is built on Git and called Radicle Link. The purpose of Radical Link is to extend Git by adding peer-to-peer discovery that disseminates data through a process called gossip. If a participant in a network is interested in data, that can spread it by maintaining redundant copies locally and then sharing those copies through a process called replicating. Radicle Link maintains Git’s efficiency, yet offers a decentralized storage network built on peer-to-peer layering. Radicle Link is open-source throughout the entire ecosystem and lacks Github’s closed components that are not auditable or modifiable.
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