Aptos is a layer 1 Proof of Stake blockchain that was designed with scalability, reliability, safety, and upgradability as key principles. The Aptos blockchain has been in the works for the last 3 years
with a team of over 350 developers globally, and officially launched its mainnet on the 18th of October 2022.
Aptos uses a relatively new programming language called “Move”, that formally verifies smart contracts to increase reliability and security. “Move” was developed by the Diem Association, a tech company backed by Meta (previously Facebook). Aptos’s architecture takes concepts from existing scaling solution technologies like sharding and rollups, to boost transaction speed and throughput. Aptos claims that it’s network can reach 160,000 transactions per second (TPS). Bitcoin currently sits at 7 TPS.
You can buy Aptos (APT) in Australia on the Swyftx Crypto Exchange.