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Access fast and flexible banking solutions

We’ve partnered with local, award-winning digital bank, Alex.Bank, to give Swyftx customers greater exposure to financial products.

Visit Alex Bank

Swyftx may receive a commission or fee for customers that take up Alex.Bank products referred by Swyftx.

Borrow and save

Why Alex.Bank?

Frequently asked questions

Still have more questions?

Why has Swyftx partnered with Alex.Bank?

Swyftx shares Alex.Bank’s vision to empower Aussies with fast, fair, and flexible products. Through our referral partnership, we’re excited to help Swyftx users discover great banking solutions alongside their crypto journey. This ultimately forms part of our wider strategy to support the financial freedom of our customers.

Will my Swyftx account be impacted by an application with Alex.Bank?

No, Swyftx is a referral partner of Alex.Bank. Your application with them is separate to Swyftx will not impact your Swyftx account. Swyftx receives a commission as a referral fee for referred customers of certain products. You can ask us or Alex.Bank for more details before taking out any products.

How do I apply with Alex.Bank?

All applications are handled by Alex.Bank. The application process will change depending on the selected product. Please refer to Alex.Bank’s website for more information about their applications, processing times, and eligibility requirements.

Who is Alex.Bank?

Alex.Bank is Australia’s only 100% digital consumer and small business bank. They offer a range of banking products that enable you to borrow and save. They’re committed to giving Australians a fair go, ensuring that banking is accessible, safe, transparent, and flexible.